In addition, MI al-Hidayah is also advised to increase the intensity andquality of the delivery of information in a focused manner, especially promoting the existing programs in the school. This research also suggests MI al-Hidayah to maintain good image in the eyes of the community. If tahfidz program continues to be maintained and developed then MI al-Hidayah will have its own brand known by the community. The branding strategy owned by MI Al-Hidayah is with the tahfidz qur`an from class I s/d VI that not all MI have such a program. Kali ini kami akan mencoba membagikan Contoh Program/ Rencana Kegiatan Penilaian Kinerja Berkelanjutan dalam format Word yang mungkin dibutuhkan di sekolah baik SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK. Opportunities owned MI Al-Hidayah has been utilized optimally by MI Al-Hidayah. Contoh Program PKB (Penilaian Kinerja Berkelanjutan) Contoh Program PKB (Penilaian Kinerja Berkelanjutan) - Kembali berjumpa dengan Admin. The results showed that MI Al-Hidayah has a good enough strength and this can be utilized to win the competition in the field of education. Key informants in this study were principals and some teachers who were directly involved in the school management process. Data collection techniques are done by observation and interview. This study aims to determine the strengths and weaknesses of MI Al-Hidayah, opportunities and threats that will be faced MI al-Hidayah, and what the appropriate branding strategy for MI al-Hidayah.